Msc. Sarah Schomers

Msc. Sarah Schomers


Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V.
Institute for Socio-Economics
Eberswalder Str. 84
D-15374 Muencheberg

Phone: + 49 33432 82-131
Fax: + 49 33432 82-308


Focus of research

  • Interdisciplinary environmental policy research, environmental governance
  • Institutional economics, resource economics
  • Economic environmental policy instruments
  • Ecosystem Servies
  • Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
  • Agri-environmental policy


Sarah Schomers has been employed at the Leibniz Centre since 2009 and has been engaged in different research projects. She is currently, in coherence with the international research project CIVILand in the process of finalising her PhD with the working title "Governance structures within payments for ecosystem services implementation: Efficiency, effectiveness and equity considerations from an institutional economic perspective".

Sarah Schomers studied Economics at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands), Universidad de Valencia (Spain), Universidad de Lima (Perú), and the Freie Universität Berlin. She graduated with the Master thesis "Participation in alternative trade coffee cooperatives: Empirical evidence from Northern Nicaragua". She worked in the context of her studies in a giz project in Loja/Equador and designed a SWOT analysis concerning the production and marketing potential of coffee originating from the province of Zamora Chinchipe.


  • Schomers, S., Sattler, C., Matzdorf, B., 2015. An analytical framework for assessing the potential of intermediaries to improve the performance of payments for ecosystem services. Land Use Policy 42, 58 -70
  • Matzdorf, B., Biedermann, C., Meyer, C., Nicolaus, K., Sattler, C., Schomers, S. (2014) Was kostet die Welt? Payments for Ecosystem Services in der Praxis. Erfolgreiche Beispiele aus Deutschland, Großbritannien und den USA. Oekom-Verlag, 208 Seiten.
  • Matzdorf, B., Biedermann, C., Meyer, C., Nicolaus, K., Sattler, C., Schomers, S. (2014) Paying for Green? Payments for Ecosystem Services in Practice. Successful examples of PES from Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Müncheberg, 208 pages.
  • Schomers, S. und Matzdorf, B., 2013. Payments for ecosystem services: A review and comparison of developing and industrialized countries. Ecosystem Services 6, 16-30
  • Sattler, C., Trampnau, S., Schomers, S., Meyer, C., Matzdorf, B., 2013. Multi-classification of payments for ecosystem services: How do classification characteristics relate to overall PES success? Ecosystem Services 6, 31-45
  • Osano, P.M., Said, M.Y, de Leeuw, J., Moiko, S.S., Kaelo, D.O., Schomers, S., Birner, R., Ogutu, J.O., 2013. Pastoralism and ecosystem-based adaptation in Kenyan Masailand. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 5, 198-214.
  • Osano, P.M., Said, M.Y, de Leeuw, J., Ndiwa, N., Kaelo, D.O., Schomers, S., Birner, R., Ogutu, J.O., 2013. Why keep lions instead of livestock? Assessing wildlife-tourism based payment for ecosystem services involving herders in the Maasai Mara, Kenya. Natural Resources Forum 37, 242-256
  • Osano, P., de Leeuw, J., Said, M., Gitau, J. W., ole Kaelo, D., Birner, R., Schomers, S. (2012) Enabling livestock based economies in Kenya to adapt to climate change: a review of PES from wildlife tourism as a climate change adaption option , a technical report to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Kenya. Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung, Müncheberg
  • Hedden-Dunkhosrt, B., Lehmann, M., Pascual, U., Stellmacher, T., Winter, E., Berghöfer, A., Blignaut, J., Kronenberg, J., Masiga, M., Todorova, M., Schomers, S., Domptail, S., Carius, F., Gundimeda, H., 2011. Payments for Ecosystem Services: Towards their Development and Implementation. BfN Policy Brief.


  • Meyer C., Reutter M., Matzdorf B., Sattler C., Schomers S. (Paper): Rules for successful governmental PES: Taking German agri-environmental measures as an example. 7th ESP Conference 2014, San José, Costa Rica.
  • Schomers, S. (2013) On the potential of German Landcare Associations to improve economic efficiency and environmental effectiveness within PES implementation - An institutional economic assessment. ESEE conference 2013, Lille, France, 18.-21.06.2013.
  • Schomers, S. (2013) Rollen- und Potentialanalyse nicht-staatlicher Akteure in der Umsetzung von PES. CIVILand Abschlussworkshop, Berlin, Deutschland, 24.05.2013.
  • Schomers, S. (2012) Die Rolle und Aufgabe der Landschaftspflegeverbände als zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteur in der Umsetzung von PES Instrumenten. SÖF-Nachwuchsgruppen Statusseminar, Berlin, Deutschland, 16.-17.04.2012.
  • Schomers, S. (2012) Participatory SWOT Analysis on PES from wildlife tourism in the Kenyan Mara Conservancies. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenia, 15.02.2012.
  • Schomers, S. (2012) The Potential of Civil Society Initiatives to Improve Economic Efficiency and Envi-ronmental Effectiveness in PES Implementation. ACES Konferenz, Florida, USA, 10.-14.12.2012
  • Sattler, C., Matzdorf, B., Schomers, S., Meyer, C. (2011) Multi-Classification of Payments for Ecosys-tem Services. International conference on Payments for Ecosystem Services organized by CIVILand, Berlin, Deutschland, 10.-12.11.2011.
  • Schomers, S. (2010) CIVILand - the relevance and innovation potential of the civil society for payments for ecosystem and cultural landscape services. BfN-Konferenz "Payments for ecosystem services - towards an implementation strategy", Insel Vilm, Deutschland, 13.-16.12.2010.

Planning and organization of scientific events

  • 18.-22.06.2013: Special session: The Role of Civil Society Actors in Mainstreaming the Ecosystem Service Concept. Conference ESEE 2013: Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics. Lille, France.
  • 15.-19.07.2013: CIVILand Studenten-Atelier für Studenten der Leibniz-Universität Hannover und der Universität Potsdam, Nationalpark Unteres Odertal, Schwedt/Vierraden, Deutschland
  • 25.05.2013: CIVILand-Abschlussworkshop. Berlin, Deutschland.
  • 08.-09.10.2012: Expertenworkshop: Instrumente zur Honorierung von Ökosystemleistungen - was macht sie erfolgreich? Berlin, Deutschland.
  • 09.-13.07.2012: CIVILand Studenten-Atelier für Studenten der Leibniz-Universität Hannover, Natio-nalpark Unteres Odertal, Schwedt/Teerofenbrücke, Deutschland
  • 15.02.2012: Terminal project workshop and dissemination of study findings of the research Project "Enabling livestock based economies in Kenya to adapt to climate change: A review of PES from wildlife tourism as a climate change adaptation option" (PES-Africa); Nairobi, Kenya.
  • 10.-12.11.2011: International Conference: Payments for Ecosystem Services and their Institutional Dimensions", Berlin, Deutschland.
  • 14.-15.04.2011: Towards the big environmental society? Civil society, private sector and the state in land-scape governance, nature conservation and ecosystem service management. Transdisciplinary British-German Symposium, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom.
  • 21.-22.09.2009: CIVILand Kick-off-Meeting, Berlin, Deutschland

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Datum: 13.02.2025