Carolin Biedermann

Carolin Biedermann


Carolin Biedermann in CIVILand

Carolin Biedermann has been with CIVILand as a researcher associate since November 2011. She supports the team in the organization, implementation and evaluation of events, interviews, and field courses and the publication of results.


Carolin Biedermann is communication as well as environmental scientist. She initially studied Communication and Media, Business Economics and Theater. Several years she worked in media research and film production. From 2005 to 2011 she worked as a project developer and manager at an independent film production company. Here focus was on nature and science documentaries for public television. In the course of a part-time Master's program in Environmental Protection she came to CIVILand at ZALF. Here she wrote her master's thesis "Initiation and implementation of financial incentives to reward ecosystem services", in which she dealt extensively with Payments for Ecosystem Services in Germany and the USA.



  • Matzdorf, B., Biedermann, C., Meyer, C., Nicolaus, K., Sattler, C., Schomers, S.: Was kostet die Welt? Payments for Ecosystem Services in der Praxis. Erfolgreiche PES-Beispiele aus Deutschland, Großbritannien und den USA. Oekom, München.
  • Matzdorf, B., Biedermann, C., Meyer, C., Nicolaus, K., Sattler, C., Schomers, S.: Paying for Green? Payments for Ecosystem Services in Practice. Successful examples of PES from Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Müncheberg.


  • Matzdorf, B., Nicolaus, K., Biedermann, C.: Honoriert Zivilgesellschaft Kulturlandschaft? Land-InForm, 2, 24-25.



  • Matzdorf, B., Biedermann, C.: Developers and intermediaries of payments for ecosystem services (PES) - who are crucial actors behind successful PES types in developed countries? ISEE 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 13.-15.08.2014.


  • Biedermann, C., Matzdorf, B.: What are successful types of payments for ecosystem services - a comparison of PES approaches in the US and Germany. USSEE conference 2013, Vermont, USA, 09.-12.06.2013.


  • Biedermann, C.: Instrumente zur Honorierung von Ökosystemleistungen - Was macht sie erfolgreich? Ergebnisse des USA-Workshops. CIVILand-Expertenworkshop, Berlin, Deutschland, 08.-09.10.2012.

Besuchte Veranstaltungen


  • 25. - 27. Februar: International Conference on Policy Mixes in Environmental and Conservation Policies, Leipzig, Deutschland.


  • 15. - 19. Juli: Theorie trifft Praxis: Studenten-Atelier CIVILand im Nationalpark "Unteres Odertal" (mit Studenten der Leibniz-Universität Hannover und der Universität Potsdam), Deutschland.
  • 24. Mai: Abschlussworkshop CIVILand, Berlin, Deutschland.


  • 24.-26. Oktober: Klimawandel: Was tun!. IALE-D-Jahrestagung 2012, Eberswalde, Deutschland.
  • 8. - 9. Oktober: Instruments of payment for ecosystem services: WHAT MAKES THEM SUCCEED, Berlin, Deutschland.
  • 09. - 13. Juli: Theorie trifft Praxis: Studenten-Atelier CIVILand im Nationalpark "Unteres Odertal" (mit Studenten der Leibniz-Universität Hannover), Deutschland.
  • 26. - 27. April: PES: MAKING IT WORK - Actors and factors influencing the success of PES, Burlington, Vermont, USA.


  • 10. - 12. November: Payments for Ecosystem Services and their Institutional Dimensions, Berlin, Deutschland.

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Datum: 13.03.2025