Ass. jur. Claas Meyer, M.Sc.

Claas Meyer

Ass. jur., M.Sc.


Institute for Socio-Economics
Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V.
Eberswalder Str. 84
D-15374 Muencheberg

phone: + 49 33432 82-146
phone: + 49 33432 82-308


Focus of research

  • Interdisciplinary environmental policy research
  • Institutional Economics, Ecological Economics
  • Economic environmental policy instruments in the EU and US
  • Community resource management in Latin America
  • Application of the Ecosystem Services (ES) approach in environmental policy


Claas Meyer studied law at the University of Osnabrück, University of Milan, and Humboldt University in Berlin. He completed his legal training at the Berlin District Court of Appeals. The focus of his legal training was in administrative law.

Claas had additionally completed a M.Sc. degree in "Integrated Natural Resource Management" at the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Agriculture at the Humboldt University in Berlin.

He gained hands-on experience as an assistant in the department of International Agricultural Trade and Development of the Humboldt University in Berlin, a law firm specializing in administrative law and as a consultant for the Central Advisory Service on Intellectual Property, CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).

Claas has been with the Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) since August 2009.

Publications (peer-reviewed)

  • Meyer C., Matzdorf B., Müller K. & Schleyer C. (2014): Cross Compliance as payment for public goods? Understanding EU and US agricultural policies. Ecological Economics 107, 185-194.
  • Schröter B., Sessin-Dilascio K., Meyer C., Matzdorf B., Sattler C., Meyer A., Giersch G., Jericó-Daminello C. & Wortmann L. (2014): Multi-level governance through adaptive co-management: conflict resolution in a Brazilian state park. Ecological Processes 3, 6.
  • Matzdorf B. & Meyer C. (2014): The relevance of the Ecosystem Services concept for developed countries' environmental policies: a comparative case study in the EU and US. Land Use Policy 38, 509-521.
  • Sattler C., Trampnau S., Schomers S., Meyer C., Matzdorf B. (2013) Multi-classification of payments for ecosystem services: How do classification characteristics relate to overall PES success? Ecosystem Services 6, 31-45.
  • Meyer C. & Thiel A. (2012): Institutional change in water management collaboration: implementing the European Water Framework Directive in the German Odra river basin. Water Policy 14 (4), 625-646.

Other publications

  • Matzdorf, B., Biedermann, C., Meyer, C., Nicolaus, K., Sattler, C., Schomers, S. (2014) Was kostet die Welt? Payments for Ecosystem Services in der Praxis. Erfolgreiche PES-Beispiele aus Deutschland, Großbritannien und den USA. Oekom Verlag, München, 208 S.
  • Oppermann R., Kasperczyk N., Matzdorf B., Reutter M., Meyer C., Luick R., Stein S., Ameskamp K., Gelhausen J., Bleil R. (2013) Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) 2013 und Erreichung der Biodiversitäts- und Umweltziele. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster.
  • Schmidt S., Metzger J., Sato T., Esser L., Meyer C., Sokolova E. (2010) Balancing competing demands. In: Responding to global changes : the water quality challenge - prevention, wise use and abatement: World Water Week in Stockholm, September 5-11 2010 ; overarching conclusions 2010 Stockholm International Water Institute, Stockholm, S. 18-22.
  • Meyer C. (2009): Die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, integriertes Ressourcenmanagement und institutioneller Wandel. Eine institutionenökonomische Analyse der Bewirtschaftung von Küstenzone und Flussgebiet am Beispiel von landwirtschaftlichen Nährstoffeinträgen in der Flussgebietseinheit Oder. EUCC- Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V. (Hrsg.): IKZM-Oder Berichte 58, Rostock


  • Meyer C. (Paper): Strengths and weaknesses of state initiated Payments for Ecosystem Services: Actors' roles and implementation performance. ESEE 2013, Lille, France.
  • Meyer C., Matzdorf B., Müller K. (Paper): Cross Compliance as a Payment Ecosystem Services? USSEE 2013, Burlington, Vermont.
  • Meyer C., Wortmann L., Reutemann T., Schröter B., Jericó-Daminello C., Sinisgalli P., Sattler C., Matzdorf B. (Paper): Inside-out community resource management: effectiveness and efficiency aspects of state park law implementation on Brazilian Ilha do Cardoso. USSEE 2013, Burlington, Vermont.
  • Meyer C., Matzdorf B., Reutter M. (Poster): Cross Compliance validation: Applying property rights theory to EU and US agricultural policy. ISEE Conference 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
  • Sattler C., Matzdorf B., Aguilar-González B., Schloendorn T., Sobrinho R. P., Sinisgalli P. Meyer C. (Paper): How to transfer successful solutions of community-based management of natural resources? ISEE Conference 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
  • Sattler C., Matzdorf B., Schomers S., Meyer C. (Paper): Multi-Classification of Payments for Ecosystem Services. International conference on Payments for Ecosystem Services. "Ecosystem Services and their Institutional Dimensions" 2011, Berlin, Germany.
  • Matzdorf B., Meyer C., (Paper): The relevance of the Ecosystem Service concept for water and biodiversity policy-making in the EU and the US - A comparative case study. 4th ESP International Conference 2011 Wageningen, Netherlands.
  • Meyer C., Matzdorf B. (Poster): The utilization of the Ecosystem Service concept at various policy levels: A comparative case study on environmental policy-making in the USA and EU. European meeting of The International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) 2011, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
  • Meyer C., Thiel A. (Paper): Institutional change in water management cooperation: implementing the European Water Framework Directive in the Eastern German Odra basin. 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) 2011, Hyderabad, India.
  • Meyer C. (Paper): Governmental initiated Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) - Systematisation and performance assessment in the United States of America, United Kingdom and Germany. Marie Curie Training Course on the Human Dimension of Global Environmental Change 2010, Berlin, Germany.

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Datum: 13.03.2025