Jenny Schlauß

Jenny Schlauß

Jenny Schlauß in CIVILand

Jenny Schlauß joined the junior research group CIVILand as part of her Master's studies in October 2012. She submitted her master's thesis on "Instruments of Payments for Ecosystem Services: What makes them successful in Germany?" in March 2013. She continued to support the team in their research work by conducting interviews and later presenting the project results.


Jenny earned her Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Jenny joined the CIVILand team during her Master's studies in Agricultural Economics. She completed her Master's thesis within the research framework of the CIVILand project in March 2013 and has since been working as a project assistant with CIVILand.

Attended Conferences/Workshops


  • 8 - 9 October 2012 Instruments of payment for ecosystem services: WHAT MAKES THEM SUCCEED, Berlin.

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Datum: 13.03.2025