Dipl.-Ing. Kristin Nicolaus

Dipl.-Ing. Kristin Nicolaus

email: kristin.nicolaus@gmail.com

Focus of research

Environmental Governance, Deliberative Democracy in theory and practice, Participation, Payments for Ecosystem Services

Kristin Nicolaus' role in CIVILand

Kristin's research discusses different perspectives on payments for ecosystem services (PES). It considers critiques that argue against the neoclassical environmental economics' perspective, which focuses on the efficiency of PES while disregarding their social embeddedness. Based on that critique Kristin asks for possibilities, prerequisites and limitations of deliberation in PES design processes. Furthermore she analyses cases from Germany and the UK to detect possible differences in forms of deliberation, which occur due to varying political styles or civil-society traditions.


Kristin studied landscape planning at Techische Universität Berlin. After the completion of her studies, she gained practical experience through her work at Habitat Forum Berlin and Nexus Institute for Cooperation Management and Interdisciplinary Research. Until 2013 she worked at Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). Kristin is a Ph.D. Student at the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU).


  • Nicolaus, K. & Jetzkowitz, J. (2014): How Does Paying for Ecosystem Services Contribute to Sustainable Development? Evidence from Case Study Research in Germany and the UK. Sustainability 6(5): 3019-3042. Online available at: http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/6/5/3019
  • Nicolaus, K. & Jetzkowitz, J. (2014): Die Beteiligung von Bürgern an der Erhaltung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen. In: Schweitzer, H. (Hrsg.): Bürgerkommune: Bürgerbeteiligung, bürgerschaftliches Engagement und kommunale Genehmigungsverfahren, Reihe Verwaltungssoziologie, Band 3, Norderstedt: Books on Demand, S. 73-98
  • Matzdorf, B., Biedermann, C., Meyer, C., Nicolaus, K., Sattler, C., Schomers ,S. (2014): Was kostet die Welt? Payments for Ecosystem Services in der Praxis. Erfolgreiche PES-Beispiele aus Deutschland, Großbritannien und den USA. München: Oekom. 210 S.
  • Matzdorf,B.; Nicolaus,K. und Biedermann, C. (2013): Honoriert Zivilgesellschaft Kulturlandschaft? In: LandInForm 2(2013): 24 und 25
  • Nicolaus, K. (2011): Die Gestaltung von Payments for Ecosystem Services aus dem Blickwinkel der Theorie deliberativer Demokratie. In: Entscheidungen mit Umweltfolgen zwischen Freiheit und Zwang: Tagungsband der 7.Tagung der Nachwuchsgruppe Umweltsoziologie (NGU), Arbeitsbericht 55-2011 des Instituts für Forstökonomie der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg


  • Nicolaus K.: "Decision-Making in PES Scheme Design." Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics, 10th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Lille, France. 20.6.2013.
  • Nicolaus K. & Jetzkowitz, J.: "Die Beteiligung von Bürgern an der Erhaltung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen. Ergebnisse vergleichender Forschung aus Deutschland und Großbritannien." Tagung der Fachgruppe Verwaltung des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Soziologinnen und Soziologen in Gelsenkirchen. 25.10.2012.
  • Nicolaus K.: "Participative Deliberation as a Driver of Payments for Ecosystem Services Toward Sustainability? - Empirical Results of Case Studies in the UK and Germany". 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hull, UK. 26.6.2012.
  • Nicolaus, K. & Krikser, T.: "Towards the Big Environmental Society? - Environmental Civil Society Organisations in Germany and Great Britain", Symposium: "Towards the 'Big Environmental Society'? Civil Society, Private Sector and the State in Landscape Governance, Nature Conservation and Ecosystem Service Management", Cardiff University, Wales. 15.4.2011.
  • Nicolaus K., "Die Gestaltung von Payments for Ecosystem Services aus dem Blickwinkel der Theorie deliberativer Demokratie". 7. Tagung der Nachwuchsgruppe Umweltsoziologie (NGU) in Freiburg. 18.9.2010.

Planning and organization of scientific events

  • 18.-22.06.2013: Special Session: The Role of Civil Society Actors in Mainstreaming the Ecosystem Service Concept. Conference ESEE 2013: Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics. Lille, France.
  • 25.05.2013: CIVILand-Abschlussworkshop. Berlin, Deutschland.
  • 14.-15.04.2011: Towards The Big Environmental Society? Civil Society, Private Sector and the State in Landscape Governance, Nature Conservation and Ecosystem Service Management. Transdisciplinary British-German Symposium, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom.
  • 21.-22.09.2009: CIVILand Kick-off-Meeting, Berlin, Germany

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Online: http://www.civiland-zalf.org/en/team/kristin-nicolaus/index.php
Datum: 13.03.2025